CENSE is the Centre for Environmental and Sustainability Research located at the Science and Technology College of the New University of Lisbon. The CENSE research group on Climate Change and Sustainable Energy develops research in the fields of energy-environment and air pollution modelling, and physical modelling of water and carbon cycles.

Climate change is deeply altering the way future energy systems are being approached, namely on technology innovation, new economic schemes valuation, and changes in human values. Understanding how future energy systems can be shaped is critical due to the lifetime of selected investments and the inertia inherent to the social behaviour. The main goal in the last 2 years has been the development of capacity building in energy-environment modelling tools, namely on the TIMES model, an IEA-based tool, to generate medium (20 years) and long (50 years) term energy scenarios, pushed by climate drivers, particularly temperature and rainfall.

The energy systems analysis unit has been devoted to the assessment of energy and environment policy instruments, namely synergies and cost-effectiveness potential for medium to long term scenarios, under greenhouse gases and acidifying emissions caps.